Saturday 5 April 2014

Is The Paleo Diet Safe?

Guest Post by Sage Spring

It is obvious that you ask this question. If you ever did a research about any diet, you know that there are always pros and cons. There are people to say yes it's the best you can do to your body and for your weight loss, whilst there are others to say that it's a no-no.

I, in my best knowledge as I am a Paleo-cook for a year, can only but recommend Paleo Diet to everyone. Why? Because it's clean, simple and free from chemicals, processed foods and other unneeded toxins. 
Following the diet, your body will cleanse inside and outside. You'll gain a better health and you will throughout feel better. 

However, I want you to ask your doctor or dietitian whether it is safe for you personally to follow a Paleo Diet. This is essential not only for Paleo diet, but all kind of diets.

So far, I only saw positive and great results, following Paleo Diet. My skin, hair and nails got shinier and stronger. I got rid of cellulite (as i got rid of the toxins and tied water). My digestive system never been as good as it is now and I don't crave for the junk food I used to eat long ago. My hubby says, he has more energy than before.

We both use to work out and do long walks, we have two big dogs to look after and of course a house to keep up and our daily jobs. To be honest, we have more energy by the end of the days, than before Paleo Diet. It feels like, our body have been re-booted. Incredible. Incredibly good!

I personally follow the alternative Paleo Diet too, because it's easier to make meals and it's better for my hubby as well. We both love cookies so much, so I thought, it's okay for us. And as I wrote above, it is. 

Be prepared, that you will say goodbye to some unwanted extra weight.

Did you know, that vegans can also follow the Paleo Diet?

A lot of people think that this diet is mostly based on meat intake, which is not accurate. If you are excluding meat, meat-products, fish and diary everyday, the Paleo Diet still stands tall as a healthy lifestyle to choose.

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