Sunday 24 November 2013

Variations for green tea :)

Variations for green tea :)

Well it's pretty sure that you've heard of the wonderful health benefits of green tea. 
And now, we'd love to share some variations to *pimp* your tea - to get out the most of it and to not to get bore of it. ;)

Apple & Pear Green Tea:
Chop half an apple and half a pear to pieces. Put them in a blender and pour the cup of green tea in it then blend it all together well. Enjoy! :)

Strawberry & Honey Green Tea:
Pick 4-5 strawberries and 1tbsp of honey. Put them in the blender, add the cup of green tea, and mix them together.

Lemon & Orange Green Tea:
Take half a lemon and half of an orange.
Squeeze the juice out of them and just add it to your cup of green tea. You can enrich it with a mint leave. 

Milk & Sugar Green Tea
For this mixture, you'll need a strong green tea, eg. you'd make it from the double amount of tea leaves or 2-3 teabags. When you made the cup of tea, add 1-2tbs of milk and 1tsp of sugar. :)

Mango Green Tea
Take a mango, chop it, put it in the blender, add the cup of green tea and mix it. :)

For Other Fabulous Recipes, Visit The Link Below:

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