Thursday, 10 July 2014

Apple - Cabbage Salad Recipe

Apple - Cabbage Salad
This wonderful salad is known from Europe to America, so it is made differently throughout the world and is quite colourful and very delicious! :)
We're going to share our version, which is the following:

1 middle-sized cabbage (red or white)
2 red onions
3 apples 
2 carrots
ground pepper
2 tablespoon of low fat or vegan yogurt
1 teaspoon of mustard (pick wasabi if you're brave enough)
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar or
wine vinegar

Grate the apples, carrots, onions and cabbage. Put the yogurt and the mustard into a bowl, add the grated goods and mix it well. Hint it with salt and pepper and pour the vinegar on top. It is a really delicious and healthy meal. Serve it in small bowls. Enjoy! :)

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